View Congress Member / Senator
Name: Susie LeePosition: House (NV, 3)
Party: Democrat
Staffer: Marcos Ibarra
Telephone: 202-225-3252
Address: 522 Cannon House Office Building
Number of Contacts: 5 ( or 0% in support)
Cosponsor in 116th: Yes
Message and Talking Points
Sophie Poost writes on 6/10/2019 at 1:28PM:
On June 7, Sophie Poost tweeted at the official twitter account for Rep. Lee, and received the following response on June 7:
Hi Sophie! I confirmed with the sponsor of #DIAToday that I will be added. It's just not updated on yet unfortunately--Congress doesn't move as quickly as we want sometimes ???? I'm very pleased to be able to support this bill and support #DisabilityFreedom.
Sophie Poost writes on 6/06/2019 at 1:27PM:
On 6/6 Sophie Poost sent the following email to Marcos Ibarra:
Good Morning,
It is my understanding that after meeting with ADAPT about two weeks ago, your office agreed to cosponsor the Disability Integration Act (DIA) bill number HR. 555. However, I didn???t see Representative Lee???s name included in the updated list as of Tuesday on Could you help me understand what there may be a hold up about? Were you able to contact Representative Sensenbrenner???s office about the bill? I???m eager to have Congresswoman Lee officially added as a cosponsor, so if there is anything I can do to help facilitate that process, I would love to help. Please get back to me when you have a chance.
Thank you for your time,
Sophie Poost
Justin Young writes on 5/15/2019 at 4:07PM:
Justin Young on 5/15/19 called Representative Lee's Washington D.C. office requesting to speak with Marcos Ibarra. The office staff member took Justin's contact information and said that Marcos would call Justin back. Justin followed up with the following email:
Hi Marcos,
My name is Justin Young and I am associated with National ADAPT. ADAPT advocates at the National, State, and Local levels for systematic change ensuring the rights of all Disabled Americans are fulfilled. I called your office a few moments ago, but I wanted to follow up with an email. This message is regarding emails being sent to your office regarding requesting Representative Lee to cosponsor HR555 the Disability Integration Act introduced by Representative Sensenbrenner.
I have attached to this message a handout on the legislation, but this is important because it ensure our freedom to live in the community instead of being forced into costly isolating nursing facilities. We would greatly appreciate the Representative???s support by cosponsoring the legislation. Cosponsorship requests may be sent to Amy Bos, Legislative Director of Representative Sensenbrenner???s office. She may be reached at ADAPT will be in Washington D.C. next week so we would love to stop by to thank the Representative for cosponsoring this important bill for all members of the Disability community of Nevada and America as a whole!
Thank you in advance for your assistance regarding this matter and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Justin T. Young
Sophie Poost writes on 3/20/2019 at 12:05PM:
On 3/20 Sophie emailed Marcos Ibarra asking that the Representative cosponsor the DIA as a recognition of the impact it will have on women during this women's history month.
Kathryn Carroll writes on 12/28/2018 at 11:04AM:
On 12/28/18 Katy Carroll contacted the Representative-elect via campaign email to ask for co-sponsorship and attendance at January 15th.