View Congress Member / Senator
Name: Kendra HornPosition: House (OK, 5)
Party: Democrat
Staffer: Bailey Perkins
Telephone: 202-225-2132
Address: 415 Cannon House Office Building
Number of Contacts: 11 ( or 0% in support)
Cosponsor in 116th: No
Message and Talking Points
Ami Hyten writes on 7/10/2019 at 2:19PM:
Action alert, sample letter and script sent out to Jeff Hughes in Oklahoma today to ask Rep. Horn for co-sponsorship.
Shantelle Rockman writes on 5/31/2019 at 1:40PM:
On 5/31/19 Shantelle received following email from Bailey Perkins
Hi Shantelle,
Thank you for reaching out. We have talked with and received information from disability rights advocates on HR 555. So we have all that we need for bill consideration. The month of June is pretty packed with hearings and bill mark ups, but we are still reviewing bill requests during that time. We will be sure to contact should we have questions.
Bailey Perkins
Legislative Assistant and Special Projects Coordinator
Shantelle Rockman writes on 5/31/2019 at 12:03PM:
On 5/31/19 Shantelle sent the follow up email to Bailey Perkins after having conversations with Kyle the scheduler last week when ADAPT was in her office.
Good morning Bailey,
My name is Shantelle and I am with ADAPT. We were in your office last week to get Congresswoman Horn to co-sponsor DIA (Disability Integration Act) H.R. 555. We currently have 243 co-sponsor's and have a hearing set for June 18th.
I spoke with Kyle and he indicated the Congresswoman has looked at this bill and was in district and wanted to talk with OK constituents and other disability organizations. Kyle wanted me to follow up with you this week. ADAPT will be on the hill June 17th -19th. I would like to schedule a meeting with Congresswoman Horn to discuss any further clarifying questions she may have regarding the bill and her co-sponsorship.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Have a fantastic day
Shantelle Rockman, MPH
Community Partner Work Incentive Coordinator
Atlantis Community, Inc.
(303) 733-9324 ext. 1170
Ami Hyten writes on 5/29/2019 at 9:25AM:
5/29/19 Sparky Metz from Texas sent the following email to staffer Bailey Perkins:
Dear Congresswoman Horn,
My name is Albert ???Sparky??? Metz. I'm writing this letter to ask that you co-sponsor the Disability Integration Act.( H.R.555.)
I was born in Missouri and raised in Oklahoma. I love Oklahoma and talk of it often. It's part of who I am and part of what I'm proud of but my family was forced to leave Oklahoma for Texas because there are Community Based Services in Texas. I need the services to live my daily life in my own home.
I spent many years of my childhood in Oklahoma trapped in an institution against my will because Oklahoma did not have the long-term services and supports that I need.
I now live in Texas. I'm free and live in a home with the love of my life who I married a few weeks ago. We are both very happy and we would not be able to live together if we did not have attendant services.
The DIA is important because it ends the institutional bias that exist in this country. The DIA will give people choices when is passed. When DIA becomes the law no one will ever have to leave the state that they love in order to be free to live their lives and love the one they choose. Everyone deserves that freedom!
I am a man of faith and I pray for those who have died in institutions thinking that no one cared. I understand that it not only takes faith but action to make things better. We need you to be a woman of action; not just for me but for everyone who believes that they are forgotten.
Please cosponsor the DIA.
Free Our People!
Albert ???Sparky??? Metz
Ericka Jones writes on 5/17/2019 at 11:41AM:
On May 17th, Ms. Perkins responded to Ms. Jones email:
I have this bill on my list of issues to run by Rep. Horn. I will let you know if she has any questions.
Bailey Perkins
Ericka Jones writes on 5/15/2019 at 4:59PM:
E. Jones called Rep. Horn's D.C. office and was told that neither Bailey Perkins no Victoria Bautista were available but staffer could take a message. E. Jones followed up with an email.
ED SANDOVAL writes on 4/29/2019 at 11:59PM:
I followed up again, this time with an email to Victoria Bautista. I reminded her of our conversation in Congresswoman Horn's office on April 11. I also reminded her that my friend Thompson is trying to stay out of a nursing home, and urged her to convince Representative Horn to sign on to DIA.
ED SANDOVAL writes on 4/16/2019 at 10:50PM:
My name is Ed Sandoval. I followed up with an email to Bailey Perkins on 4-16-19. I reminded her about my friend and Horn's constituent Thompson Williams. I cc'd Thompson, and asked him to follow up with an email of his own.
Jacqueline Mitchell writes on 4/11/2019 at 11:31PM:
We spoke to Congresswoman Horn's Legislative Aide, Victoria. We had one of her constituents who used HCBS to talk about the lack of services and how in his town his options are nursing homes or moving out of state away from family. We were assured that the Congresswoman is concerned about quality and equal healthcare services. We also learned that Oklahoma???s IDD Counsil had reached out to their district office a day before. We plan to follow up in a week.
Sophie Poost writes on 3/19/2019 at 2:29PM:
S. Poost called the office and was given the contact information for Bailey Perkins (updated c4ci). She then sent the following email to Bailey Perkins:
Hello Bailey,
My name is Sophie Poost and I???m a member of the national disability rights group, ADAPT. I am writing to inquire about the Congresswoman???s stance on the Disability Integration Act (HR.555), a bi-partisan, bi-cameral civil rights bill that was introduced on January 15th by Representative Jim Sensenbrenner and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. The Disability Integration Act or DIA would ensure that elderly and disabled Americans had the right to choose where and how they live and not be forced into institutions.
We feel this bill is especially pertinent in March, during Women???s History Month, as the components of this bill directly address issues that disproportionately impact women. As women tend to live longer than men, they are more likely to acquire a disability in their later years. Furthermore, women more often fill attendant and voluntary/informal caregiver roles a topic that is directly addressed in this legislation.
We would really like to see Representative Hill on this legislation both because of her past work dedicated to the advancement of women leaders and also as a woman in leadership now. I???ve attached a document with some basic information on the bill. I hope you will look it over and Congresswoman Horn will consider cosponsorship. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me or if you want to sign the Representative on to the legislation please reach out to Amy Bos in Representative Sensenbrenner???s office to be added to the bill.
Thank you for your time,
Sophie Poost
National ADAPT
Kathryn Carroll writes on 12/28/2018 at 12:32PM:
On 12/28/18 K. Carroll emailed Rep-elect's campaign email to ask for cosponsorship of DIA and attendance at January 15th.