View Congress Member / Senator

Name: Katherine Hill
Position: House (CA, 25)
Party: Democrat

Staffer: Rebecca Kahn
Telephone: 202-225-1956
Address: 1130 Longworth House Office Building

Number of Contacts: 5 ( or 0% in support)
Cosponsor in 116th: Yes

Message and Talking Points


Leah Smith writes on 5/16/2019 at 2:24PM:
Hi Rebecca,

I just tried calling your office and spoke with Paul. He stated that you were away from your desk, but offered to pass along the message to you that I called. I told him I would also follow up with you via email.

My name is Leah Smith and I am with ADAPT. ADAPT has recently sent you information about the Disability Integration Act (HR 555), but we have not heard back from you and Congresswoman Hill has not signed onto the Disability Integration Act yet. ADAPT will be in town next week and we would prefer to stop by your office to thank Congresswoman Hill for her support.

Please feel free to call me back at 806.239.5582 or respond to this email to confirm that you have received this message and our emails requesting Congresswoman Hill to cosponsor the Disability Integration Act.

Leah Smith writes on 5/16/2019 at 2:24PM:
Called and spoke with Paul. he stated that Rebecca was away from her desk, but that he would pass along the message to her. I am following up with an email

Sophie Poost writes on 4/24/2019 at 1:40PM:
ON 4/19 Sophie sent the following email to Rebecca:

Hi Rebecca,

It???s been about awhile since we heard from you. I was just wondering if you could say now with any certainty if Representative Hill will be cosponsoring the Disability Integration Act or not?

Thanks for your time,
Sophie Poost

Sophie Poost writes on 3/19/2019 at 1:44PM:
Sophie Poost called the office and asked for a staffer. She was told Rebecca Kahn was the applicable staffer (updated c4ci contact). Sophie then sent the following email to Rebecca Kahn:

Hello Rebecca,

My name is Sophie Poost and I???m a member of the national disability rights group, ADAPT. I am writing to inquire about the Congresswoman???s stance on the Disability Integration Act (HR.555), a bi-partisan, bi-cameral civil rights bill that was introduced on January 15th by Representative Jim Sensenbrenner and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. The Disability Integration Act or DIA would ensure that elderly and disabled Americans had the right to choose where and how they live, so that each person can find or keep their home. We feel this bill is especially pertinent in March, during Women???s History Month, as the components of this bill directly address issues that disproportionately impact women. As women tend to live longer than men, they are more likely to acquire a disability in their later years. Furthermore, women more often fill attendant and voluntary/informal caregiver roles a topic that is directly addressed in this legislation.

We would really like to see Representative Hill on this legislation both because of her past career working with the homeless and also as a woman in leadership now. I???ve attached a document with some basic information on the bill. I hope you will look it over and the Congresswoman will consider cosponsorship. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me or if you want to sign the Representative on to the legislation please reach out to Amy Bos in Representative Sensenbrenner???s office to be added to the bill.

Thank you for your time,
Sophie Poost
National ADAPT

Ericka Jones writes on 1/03/2019 at 11:01AM:
On 1/2/19 E Jones emailed the campaign email:

"Congratulations on your victory in the recent election and welcome to Congress. I am writing on behalf of the Disability Community to ask you to become an original cosponsor of the Disability Integration Act. The Disability Integration Act is bicameral, bipartisan legislation that guarantees the rights of disabled Americans to live in freedom by ensuring our right to receive services in our own homes. If you have any questions about the bill I am happy to answer them or you are welcome to look at our web site:

We are holding an event in the U.S. Capitol on January 15th to celebrate the bill???s reintroduction. We would like to announce you as an original cosponsor of the bill at the event. Would you please confirm your intention to be an original cosponsor on the legislation? We would be grateful for your leadership in helping ensure that all disabled Americans have the right to live in freedom."

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