View Congress Member / Senator
Name: Tammy BaldwinPosition: Senate (WI)
Party: Democrat
Staffer: Dan McCarthy
Telephone: 202-224-5653
Address: 709 Hart Senate Office Bldg
Number of Contacts: 4 ( or 0% in support)
Cosponsor in 116th: Yes
Message and Talking Points
Marilee Adamski-Smith writes on 2/05/2019 at 1:56AM:
ADAPT members - Joseph and I went to Sen. Baldwin's office on January 16th the day after the DIA reintroduction event - When we visited Senator Tammy Baldwin???s office, we asked the front desk staff to rely the message to Tammy Baldwin that we want to thank her for being an Initial Cosponsor again.
Gregg Beratan writes on 1/09/2019 at 5:43PM:
Marilee Adamski-Smith wrote to Brian Moulton to request Senator Baldwin ask to be an original cosponsor:
Dear Brian,
I am writing on behalf of Central Wisconsin ADAPT and SouthEastern Wisconsin ADAPT. We are a grassroots Disability Rights Organizations affiliated with National ADAPT. As you may know Senator Schumer will be reintroducing the Disability Integration Act (previously S910) on January 15th. Senator Baldwin was a cosponsor last congress. We were hoping that the Senator would reach out to Senator Schumer's Office to ask to be an original cosponsor this session? We look forward to hearing from you. We would also love to invite you and any of your Milwaukee based staff to join us for a DIA reintroduction celebration on the 15th at 3pm at IndependenceFirst (540 South 1st Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204-1516).
Marilee Adamski-Smith
Tim Bowman writes on 8/30/2018 at 1:12PM:
On August 30th, 2018, C4CI sent an email to Dan McCarthy ( asking whether Senator Baldwin would be an initial co-sponsor of DIA if elected to the next Congress.
Stephanie Woodward writes on 4/13/2016 at 11:02AM:
On April 13, 2016, ADAPT members ? as part of the Spring Action Hill Day ? provided the Senator?s office with information about the Disability Integration Act and asked that the Senator cosponsor this legislation.