View Congress Member / Senator

Name: Denny Heck
Position: House (WA, 10)
Party: Democrat

Staffer: Emily Kolano
Telephone: 202-225-9740
Address: 2452 Rayburn House Office Building

Number of Contacts: 12 ( or 0% in support)
Cosponsor in 116th: No

Message and Talking Points


Luke Byram writes on 6/26/2019 at 9:25PM:
Sent an email to Emily Kolano with the talking points provided on c4ci

Luke Byram writes on 6/26/2019 at 8:54PM:
Congressman Heck sent me and Patt Kosier a letter by email dated June 18, 2019 explaining reasons why at this time he has not cosponsored the DIA. We have responded to his letter with information and answers to address his concerns.

Luke Byram writes on 6/26/2019 at 8:53PM:
Congressman Heck sent me and Patt Kosier a letter by email dated June 18, 2019 explaining reasons why at this time he has not cos-sponsored the DIA. We have responded to his letter with information and answers to address his concerns.

Sophie Poost writes on 6/21/2019 at 2:01PM:
On 6/20, ADAPT members spoke with Emily Kolano regarding the DIA. She said they had concerns with if the infrastructure could handle so many people moving out of institutional settings. ADAPT discussed the time period written into the bill to make a plan and hit bench marks. ADAPT members explained what problems stand in the way of currently having enough attendants and housing and solutions that we propose to said problems. She was interested to learn the cost differences in institutional and home based settings and said it was higher than expected. Still concerned about Long-term Insurance companies. Agreed to forward the letter the congressman sent out and asked that ADAPT follow up with applicable resources.

Jonathan Dollhopf writes on 5/13/2019 at 5:17PM:
Jonathan Dollhopf called the office and the person who answered the phone is Jed Bush. Jonthan asked for Emily Kolano and he transfered Jonathan to emily. she aswered the phone and Jonathan expalained who he is and about DIA. Asked her if she has a chance to review the emails. she replied that she will review it and she has some questions.

Jonanthan told her that it is very that she review the emails that ADAPT has sent you. ADAPT will be in town next week and we would prefer to stop by her office to thank Congressmember Heck for his support.

Will follow up the call.

Tim Bowman writes on 8/30/2018 at 1:12PM:
On August 30th, 2018, C4CI sent an email to Emily Kolano ( asking why is not a cosponsor of DIA and whether the representative would commit to being an initial co-sponsor of DIA if elected to the next Congress.

Frieda Jones writes on 8/10/2018 at 3:26PM:
On July 24th, 2018, NCIL Advocate Patt Kosier met with staffer Emily Kolano. Thanked for support of MFP and explained how it goes hand in hand with the DIA. Emily said she would research DIA further and share request with Danny.

Lindsay Baran writes on 8/01/2018 at 4:23PM:
From Sheryl Grossman, 8/1/18
Met with Emily Kolano, Leg Asst/Press Sect. They got on MFP already. He is really big into state insurance so they are checking with their state insurance director before they act on DIA. I educated on what it does, told that Centene is on board which she responded favorably to. She asked about opposition, I pointed her to the org sponsor list. She said she was surprised to see Rs on it. I talked about freedom which she responded to. She asked about WA folks, she knew about Murray and McMorris-Rogers. I was able to tell her about Cantwell which she was pleasantly surprised to see. I think we need to push this one more. Time to get the CILs involved again.

Ericka Jones writes on 5/30/2018 at 2:15PM:
ADAPT met with Emily Kolano, legislative correspondent and Nick from this office on May 16th. Follow up with Emily Kolano at:

Bruce Darling writes on 9/27/2017 at 3:30PM:
On September 27th, ADAPT members - as part of the Fall Action Hill Day - provided the office with information about the Disability Integration Act and asked that the Member of Congress cosponsor this legislation.

Bruce Darling writes on 5/17/2017 at 4:45PM:
On May 17th, ADAPT members - as part of the Spring Action Hill Day - provided the office with information about the Disability Integration Act and asked that the Member of Congress cosponsor this legislation.

Stephanie Woodward writes on 4/13/2016 at 11:02AM:
On April 13, 2016 ADAPT members - as part of the Spring Action Hill Day - provided the office with information about the Disability Integration Act which has already been introduced in the US Senate and asked that the Member of Congress become initial cosponsor this legislation in the House.

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