View Congress Member / Senator
Name: James ClyburnPosition: House (SC, 6)
Party: Democrat
Staffer: Craig Link
Telephone: 202-225-3315
Address: 200 Cannon House Office Building
Number of Contacts: 6 ( or 0% in support)
Cosponsor in 116th: Yes
Message and Talking Points
Sophie Poost writes on 5/16/2019 at 5:07PM:
on 5/15/19 Sophie Poost spoke with Seth Ismail. On 5/16 Sophie sent the following email to Seth:
Good Afternoon,
Thank you for speaking with me yesterday about the Disability Integration Act (HR.555) and Representative Clyburn???s support and potential for cosponsorship. During our call, you explained that Congressman Clyburn does not generally cosponsor legislation unless it is in line with the Democratic Party or a bill coming out of the Congressional Black Caucus. I would like to remind you once more that Minority Leader Schumer is the lead sponsor of this legislation in the Senate. Furthermore, Speaker Pelosi stated in front of a thousand disability advocates last July that she supported the legislation and would work to secure cosponsors. Her exact quote was: ???I am very proud to stand before you wearing this pin. It???s a Disability Integration Act pin. [Applause] S. 910. H.R. 2472. Bruce [Darling] lent this to me so I could hold it up here, and say to you that I will do everything possible to get as many co-sponsors for this legislation.??? The full remarks can be found on Speaker Pelosi???s website here. The support of both the Senate Minority Leader and the Speaker of the House should be enough to demonstrate the Democratic leadership???s stance. Additionally, you informed me that for cosponsorship from Representative Clyburn the legislation should result in a profound impact on the American people. We discussed his current cosponsorship of the Equality Act and the Violence Against Women Act. Likewise ensuring the freedom of millions of Disabled Americans stuck in institutions would also have a profound impact on the American people. Lastly, you asked that if there is any movement, progress, or news on the bill, to please keep you informed. In the past 2 days, we have had 15 offices agree to cosponsor this bill, and it will be reflected on shortly. I think it is important for you to note that ADAPT will be in town next week, and we would be happy to stop by the office to say thank you to Congressman Clyburn once he joins the other cosponsors in being a champion for the Disability Community.
Thank you again for speaking with me,
Sophie Poost
National ADAPT
Jacqueline Mitchell writes on 4/11/2019 at 11:32PM:
We spoke with Seth Ismail, Congressman Clyburn???s Legislative Correspondent and we gave our support letters from the NDLA and Coalition for Community Integration to him. We pointed out that even though their office does not typically sponsor bills due to his position, he has co sponsored many civil rights bills in this Congress (Equality Act, Violence Against Women. We told him our benchmarks for the bill. We need to send the study from 2009 about cost saving in HCBS vs Nursing Home. We will follow up in 2 weeks.
Tim Bowman writes on 8/30/2018 at 1:12PM:
On August 30th, 2018, C4CI sent an email to Craig Link ( asking why is not a cosponsor of DIA and whether the representative would commit to being an initial co-sponsor of DIA if elected to the next Congress.
Bruce Darling writes on 9/27/2017 at 3:30PM:
On September 27th, ADAPT members - as part of the Fall Action Hill Day - provided the office with information about the Disability Integration Act and asked that the Member of Congress cosponsor this legislation.
Bruce Darling writes on 5/17/2017 at 4:45PM:
On May 17th, ADAPT members - as part of the Spring Action Hill Day - provided the office with information about the Disability Integration Act and asked that the Member of Congress cosponsor this legislation.
Stephanie Woodward writes on 4/13/2016 at 11:02AM:
On April 13, 2016 ADAPT members - as part of the Spring Action Hill Day - provided the office with information about the Disability Integration Act which has already been introduced in the US Senate and asked that the Member of Congress become initial cosponsor this legislation in the House.