View Congress Member / Senator
Name: Don YoungPosition: House (AK)
Party: Republican
Staffer: Jesse von Stein
Telephone: 202-225-5765
Address: 2314 Rayburn House Office Building
Number of Contacts: 9 ( or 0% in support)
Cosponsor in 116th: Yes
Message and Talking Points
Jonathan Dollhopf writes on 11/28/2018 at 10:44AM:
Emailed, call the DC office, asked for Eleanor Gray-Mullen. She was not available. Left the message.
Jonathan Dollhopf writes on 10/22/2018 at 11:51AM:
Jonathan Dollhopf called Eleanor Gray Mullen and left the message for a follow-up with two emails that she has not responded.
Gregg Beratan writes on 10/08/2018 at 11:32AM:
Stephanie Woodward and Gregg Beratan met with Eleanor Gray Mullen from Congress. After explaining the bill her reaction was very positive, said she thought it was probably legislation the congressman would like to support. Wasparticularly interested in hearing how the bill woudl help disabled people living in rural areas stay in their homes rather force them into facilities hundreds of miles away. Also like that it let the states figure out for themselves how best to implement.
Sophie Poost writes on 9/24/2018 at 11:11AM:
On September 20, ADAPT members stopped into their DC office and spoke with staffer (Truman). Unfortunately, none of his staff was available at that point, however Truman encouraged ADAPT to reach out to Jesse von Stein, Legislative Assistant, to follow up.
Tim Bowman writes on 8/30/2018 at 1:12PM:
On August 30th, 2018, C4CI sent an email to Alex Ortiz ( asking why is not a cosponsor of DIA and whether the representative would commit to being an initial co-sponsor of DIA if elected to the next Congress.
Ericka Jones writes on 6/04/2018 at 10:57AM:
ADAPT visited this office on May 16th. Staff did not seem very interested but accepted information about D.I.A. Follow up with:
Bruce Darling writes on 9/27/2017 at 3:30PM:
On September 27th, ADAPT members - as part of the Fall Action Hill Day - provided the office with information about the Disability Integration Act and asked that the Member of Congress cosponsor this legislation.
Bruce Darling writes on 5/17/2017 at 4:45PM:
On May 17th, ADAPT members - as part of the Spring Action Hill Day - provided the office with information about the Disability Integration Act and asked that the Member of Congress cosponsor this legislation.
Stephanie Woodward writes on 4/13/2016 at 11:02AM:
On April 13, 2016 ADAPT members - as part of the Spring Action Hill Day - provided the office with information about the Disability Integration Act which has already been introduced in the US Senate and asked that the Member of Congress become initial cosponsor this legislation in the House.