Message and Talking Points
Message:We are asking the Senator to cosponsor the Disability Integration Act (S.117). As the past sponsor of the Protecting Beneficiary Access to Complex Rehab Technology Act (S.486), I know you understand the importance of disability issues and I'm hoping you will cosponsor this vital civil rights legislation as well. To cosponsor, contact Matt Fuentes in Senator Schumer's office.
Talking Points:
1. This bill ensures that Disabled Americans are not denied the Constitutional right to Life and Liberty through unwanted institutionalization.
2. Community based services are more cost effective and shifting from institutional to community based services is shown to contain Medicaid costs.
3. There is no opposition to this bill. It is supported by the entire Disability Community, including Paralyzed Veterans of America, the Arc, Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living, the Constorium of Citizens with Disabilities (CCD), the Lutheran Services in America Disability Network, and the National Council on Aging.
4. Community based services keep families together.
5. This bill does not interfere with how states manage their Medicaid programs but still ensures that Disabled Americans are not denied their inalienable rights.
6. This bill ensures independence but doesn't force closure of facilities or restrict the opportunity to choose an institutional placement.