View Congress Member / Senator
Name: Xochitl Torres SmallPosition: House (NM, 2)
Party: Democrat
Staffer: Felipe Galvis-Delgado
Telephone: 202-225-2365
Address: 430 Cannon House Office Building
Number of Contacts: 3 ( or 0% in support)
Cosponsor in 116th: No
Message and Talking Points
Josue Rodriguez writes on 8/06/2019 at 3:44PM:
Representative Torres Small Support Request for the Disability Integration Act
Good evening, I am reaching out to Representative Torres Small to request that she sign up as a cosponsor to the Disability Integration Act (DIA), H.R. 555. which has been introduced in the House once again in this Congress.
This bill ensures that Disabled Americans are not denied their civil rights through unwanted institutionalization. There is no opposition to this bill. It is supported by the entire Disability Community including Paralyzed Veterans of America, the Bazelon Center, the Consortium of Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) and the National Disability Rights Network as well as progressive organizations like, SEIU, and the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. Community based services are more cost effective and shifting from institutional to community based services is shown to contain costs. Community based services keep families together. This bill does not interfere with funding for institutional providers but still ensures that Disabled Americans are not denied their inalienable rights. This bill ensures choice but doesn't force closure of facilities or restrict the opportunity to choose an institutional placement. We look forward to working with her on this piece of legislation. To become a cosponsor have someone from your staff contact: Amy Bos, Legislative Director Rep. James Sensenbrenner 202-225-5101 If you have any further questions please contact me at or by phone at (915)449-3834. Thank you for supporting disability rights, Josue Rodriguez
Justin Young writes on 5/15/2019 at 5:13PM:
On 5/15/19 Justin Young called the office and spoke with Phillip Sheldon who told Justin after being placed on hold for a few minutes that the contact person had left for the day. Justin gave a message to the person who answered the phone and then sent an email to them which is the following:
My name is Justin Young and I am associated with the national disability rights group called ADAPT. ADAPT advocates for systematic change at the National, State, and Local levels for systematic change ensuring the rights of Disabled Americans are being fulfilled. I called your office this afternoon, but Phillip indicated you had left for the day. I am sending this message to request Representative Torres-Small to cosponsor HR555 the Disability Integration Act.
I have attached to this message a copy of a handout related to this legislation. It would ensure Disabled Americans have the right to live in freedome instead of being forced into isolating costly nursing facilities. We would greatly appreciate the Representative???s support by cosponsoring the bill. Cosponsorship requests may be sent to Amy Bos, Legislative Director of Representative Sensenbrenner at
Thank you in advance for your assistance and attention to this matter.
Justin T. Young
Kathryn Carroll writes on 12/28/2018 at 10:56AM:
On 12/28/18 Katy Carroll contacted campaign staff to invite Representative-elect to cosponsor DIA and attend January 15th.