View Congress Member / Senator
Name: Charles E. SchumerPosition: Senate (NY)
Party: Democrat
Staffer: Mike Lynch
Telephone: 202-224-6542
Address: 322 Hart Senate Office Bldg
Number of Contacts: 2 ( or 0% in support)
Cosponsor in 116th: Yes
Message and Talking Points
Ellen Taverna writes on 6/28/2018 at 9:16AM:
Ellen Taverna, Stephanie Woodward and Gregg Beratan met with Schumer???s new staff point person on DIA, Matthew Fuentes. His email is We discussed strategies on reaching out to Republican Senators and sending out a Senate Dear Colleague letter.
Stephanie Woodward writes on 4/13/2016 at 11:02AM:
On April 13, 2016, ADAPT members ? as part of the Spring Action Hill Day ? provided the Senator?s office with information about the Disability Integration Act and asked that the Senator cosponsor this legislation.
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