View Congress Member / Senator

Name: Susan M. Collins
Position: Senate (ME)
Party: Republican

Staffer: Amy Pellegrino
Telephone: 202-224-2523
Address: 413 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg

Number of Contacts: 8 ( or 0% in support)
Cosponsor in 116th: No

Message and Talking Points


Rhoda Gibson writes on 4/08/2019 at 6:50PM:
Rhoda Gibson 04082019 Visited Susan Collins and got name of lesgislative Aide, Maria Olson, Sent a email requesting a meeting. Will stop by again tommorow if I haven't heard from her.

Lindsay Baran writes on 11/04/2018 at 7:59PM:
10/4- Sheryl Grossman:
Maria Olson was unavailable, but as I was walking out, Amy Pellagrino called the desk to say that she could meet with me.

Ellen Taverna writes on 8/08/2018 at 7:54PM:
After several weeks of scehduling, Ellen Taverna and Sheryl Grossman had a call with Amy Pellegrino on 8/8/18 to discuss DIA. Amy's correct email is Ellen gave introductions and a summary of the DIA. Amy seemed unaware that we had met on DIA in the past. She seemed very skeptical of the bill. She is very concerned because Maine has closed a bunch of facilities recently and they are having money issues because of a raise in minimum wage for the workers and this is a big mess for them currently (according to Amy). Sheryl stressed that this bill does not change the current relationship in any way precisely because we did not want to get into complications with that, we just want the right to live in freedom. She wanted to know if the state association of Medicaid directors supports the bill, which Sheryl is looking up, but did point out her to the Empower Care Act letter from the Medicaid Directors, stressing the similarities in the bills. Ellen stressed the benchmarks for housing. Sheryl stressed the recent healthcare workforce shortage hearing that the Senator was very concerned about and stressed how this can assist in shifting the balance of the work to the remote areas where people are already located, and wish to stay. This got a mildly positive response. Ellen added that this is about peoples' quality of life and ability to live indepedently and contributing members of society and not just about the cost. Sheryl added her personal story. Amy disclosed that they are doing an Aging Committee briefing after recess (we may want to keep track of this). She said she will go back to her state Medicaid director to discuss this because she has concerns about the whole system currently, but also promised to research this more. She disclosed that it will be several weeks before she can get to this, but did encourage us to follow up. We think ME constituents are really needed here!

Ericka Jones writes on 5/25/2018 at 3:44PM:
On May 16th, ADAPT members met with staffer, Michael. He was quite interested in ADAPT member's story and thanked her for sharing, especially about frustration over younger population. While recollecting in the hallway, ADAPT members saw Michael in the hallway walking to the elevator with the packet in hand. Follow up by emailing

Laura Halvorson writes on 2/21/2018 at 6:48PM:
Laura dropped by 2/6 and 2/20 trying to speak with staffers.
2/6 got contact info for legislative director over healthcare, Amy Pellegrino. Sent email. No response.

2/20: asked to speak with Amy. Was told she is now on maternity leave and that Maria Olson is taking over. Rowan Bast is over things involving ADA. Said to make an appointment through their website. Gave names, no business cards.

Gave literature both times on DIA and MFP.

Currently arranging Kings from our DC Metro Chapter who is from Maine set up a meeting on our behalf.

Bruce Darling writes on 9/27/2017 at 3:30PM:
On September 27th, ADAPT members - as part of the Fall Action Hill Day - provided the office with information about the Disability Integration Act and asked that the Member of Congress cosponsor this legislation.

Bruce Darling writes on 5/17/2017 at 4:45PM:
On May 17th, ADAPT members - as part of the Spring Action Hill Day - provided the office with information about the Disability Integration Act and asked that the Member of Congress cosponsor this legislation.

Stephanie Woodward writes on 4/13/2016 at 11:02AM:
On April 13, 2016, ADAPT members ? as part of the Spring Action Hill Day ? provided the Senator?s office with information about the Disability Integration Act and asked that the Senator cosponsor this legislation.

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